
early senescence Learn more about early senescence

  • Main causes and Preventive measures of premature Senescence of Cotton under drip Irrigation

    Main causes and Preventive measures of premature Senescence of Cotton under drip Irrigation

    First, the main reasons for the premature senescence of cotton planting with high density. Variety factor varieties are not resistant to premature senility. In recent years, there are many varieties of cotton, some varieties of aging, degradation, some varieties of their own disease resistance and early aging resistance is poor, or not suitable for high-density planting, resulting in premature senescence of cotton. two。 Environmental factors the suitable sowing time of precocious cotton in ① temperature is 5 cm ground temperature and 12 ℃. If sowing is too early or cold injury occurs at seedling stage, the root system function of cotton is easily damaged due to low air temperature, slow root growth and serious disease.

  • What about the premature senescence of vegetables in the greenhouse? These 7 tips are good to use early! Vegetable farmers are advised to collect.

    What about the premature senescence of vegetables in the greenhouse? These 7 tips are good to use early! Vegetable farmers are advised to collect.

    The emergence of greenhouse vegetables not only enables consumers to eat a lot of out-of-season vegetables, but also enables vegetable farmers to expand economic benefits, but greenhouse vegetables often appear premature senescence if they are not managed properly in the middle and later stage of growth, resulting in a decrease in yield and quality. Greenhouse vegetables are early.

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse vegetables early aging how to do this 7 tips early use
  • The causes and Control methods of the latest premature senescence of Rice

    The causes and Control methods of the latest premature senescence of Rice

    The phenomenon of premature senescence occurs when rice is planted. The so-called premature senescence refers to premature senescence, which mainly occurs in the late heading stage of rice, such as withered stems and leaves, poor grain filling and reduced yield due to the increase of shrunken grain. In folk, it is called standing stalk dead or returning to straw, then rice is premature senescence.

    2020-11-10 The latest rice premature senescence causes and control methods
  • Causes and Control Countermeasures of premature Senescence of Cotton under drip Irrigation

    Causes and Control Countermeasures of premature Senescence of Cotton under drip Irrigation

    Since 2002, the 141 regiment has popularized the cotton drip irrigation planting technology in a large area, the per unit yield has been increased year by year, and the economic benefit is remarkable. However, in recent years, there are different degrees of premature senescence in cotton fields, resulting in poor bolting, shelling, stiff tip increase and lower quality. First, the causes of premature senility. In the cotton fields with long continuous cropping years and short cotton planting years, most of the cotton had green branches and green leaves; the old cotton fields with continuous cropping for more than 10 years grew well in the early stage, but once they encountered low temperature and overcast and rain in the middle and later stages, the symptoms of leaf red leaves occurred in a large area.

  • Causes and Control methods of premature senescence of Rice

    Causes and Control methods of premature senescence of Rice

    Causes and Control methods of premature senescence of Rice

  • The latest causes of premature senescence of peanuts and its control measures

    The latest causes of premature senescence of peanuts and its control measures

    With the extension of the planting years of peanuts, the problem of premature senescence of peanuts is becoming more and more serious. premature senescence will lead to early withering and shedding of peanuts, causing stem and leaf death, pods not full, early fruit drop, seriously affecting quality and yield, and bringing huge economic losses to farmers.

    2020-11-10 The latest peanuts premature senility causes and control measures along with peanuts
  • How to manage the later stage of rice growth?

    How to manage the later stage of rice growth?

    How to manage the later stage of rice growth? What should I pay attention to? In the later stage of rice growth, it is especially necessary to prevent premature senescence. Premature senescence occurs in rice from heading to maturity, which will lead to poor grain filling, increase of blighted grain and decrease of yield. There are many factors leading to premature senescence in the later stage of rice growth. First, improper cultivation and management. Fall.

  • Causes of premature senescence in cotton field and its control countermeasures

    Causes of premature senescence in cotton field and its control countermeasures

    With the planting of cotton in the field year by year, the phenomenon of premature senescence occurs from time to time, which has become an important reason for restricting the improvement of cotton yield and quality in the field. First, the causes of premature senility. The continuous cropping of cotton in the cotton planting area of the remaining cotton field for many years leads to the lack of organic matter in the plough layer, which can not meet the effect of continuous soil fertilizer supply. At the same time, continuous cropping caused the accumulation of bacteria in the soil and the decrease of the number of insect-resistant bacteria, which hindered the normal growth of cotton roots, thus affecting the upper growth of cotton and leading to premature senescence. two。 Cotton

  • How to prevent premature senescence in the later stage of cotton?

    How to prevent premature senescence in the later stage of cotton?

    How to prevent premature senescence in the later stage of cotton? Please introduce the method the internal reason for the early senescence of cotton is that after cotton growth entered August, there was a fierce competition for nutrients among roots, stems, leaves and bolls, resulting in an imbalance between nutrient supply and demand; the external cause was the lack of water and fertilizer in the later stage of cotton fields. such as phosphorus deficiency or deficiency.

  • Rice pest control: why rice premature aging?

    Rice pest control: why rice premature aging?

    Why does rice age prematurely? How to prevent premature aging of rice? Please give an introduction to early senescence of rice, which refers to the premature senescence of rice leaves from heading to maturity, brown leaf color, white dead state at the top of leaves, thin and curved leaves, weak root growth, and even a few black roots. Water...

  • The latest ways to prevent premature senescence of tomatoes

    The latest ways to prevent premature senescence of tomatoes

    In the cultivation of tomato is no stranger to premature senility, after the emergence of premature senility of tomato, the most intuitive is to affect the variety of tomato, and premature senescence of tomato plant nutrient absorption function greatly decreased, its yield will also decline in a straight line. So what about the premature senescence of tomatoes?

    2020-11-10 The latest how prevention tomato premature senescence in planting
  • Causes and Control measures of premature senescence of Peanut

    Causes and Control measures of premature senescence of Peanut

    Causes and Control measures of premature senescence of Peanut

  • Prevention and treatment of premature senescence of cotton in the middle and later stage

    Prevention and treatment of premature senescence of cotton in the middle and later stage

    The Spring Equinox has passed, and cotton seedling cultivation is just around the corner. In order to seize the best period for cotton seedling cultivation and timely raise cotton seedlings, in the light of this year's climate characteristics, cadres at all levels and the vast number of cotton farmers are required to earnestly do a good job in raising cotton seedlings in accordance with the following technical points. 1. The best time to raise seedlings is from late March to April 5.

  • The latest cotton premature senescence control methods

    The latest cotton premature senescence control methods

    Cotton premature senescence refers to the premature cessation of photosynthesis in cotton growth period, a phenomenon that is more senescent than normal plant weather, and it is also often said that it is not old and premature senescence. It has a serious impact on cotton yield, so how to prevent cotton premature aging? come

    2020-11-10 latest cotton premature senescence prevention method refers to
  • Discussion on Comprehensive Prevention of Cotton premature Senescence from cultivation

    Discussion on Comprehensive Prevention of Cotton premature Senescence from cultivation

    Cotton premature senescence refers to the phenomenon that cotton leaves wither and yellow in advance under suitable climatic conditions. in the field, it shows that the leaves lose green and yellowing between the leaves after the full flowering stage, and the etiolated leaves start from the farthest away from the main stem, from top to bottom, and develop from outside to in. the leaves gradually withered and fell off. Premature senescence has a great impact on the yield and quality of cotton. The earlier it occurs, the greater the impact. Generally, the yield can be reduced by 10% to 40%. The premature senescence of cotton is due to the fact that the fertilizer and water needs for normal growth of cotton during the peak growth period can not be met, resulting in premature senility and early defoliation.

  • The causes and control measures of the latest premature senescence of vegetables

    The causes and control measures of the latest premature senescence of vegetables

    Vegetables are indispensable food in daily life, and premature senescence of vegetables is the most common problem in production, which seriously affects the quality and yield of vegetables. So how to delay plant senescence and increase vegetable yield has become the focus of vegetable planting. Let's go with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest vegetables occurrence premature senescence causes and control measures
  • How does growing rice prevent premature aging?

    How does growing rice prevent premature aging?

    What causes premature rice senescence? How does growing rice prevent premature aging? Do you have any understanding of netizens to help introduce rice premature aging will lead to a large number of rice yield reduction, planting network sorted out the reasons and prevention methods of rice premature aging, listed below for netizens reference. Causes of premature aging of rice: premature aging...

  • The latest measures for the prevention and control of premature senescence in rape

    The latest measures for the prevention and control of premature senescence in rape

    In the process of rape planting, the phenomenon of premature senescence sometimes occurs due to improper management. once the phenomenon of premature senescence occurs, it will have a great impact on the yield, so farmers attach great importance to it. So what are the symptoms of premature senility of rape? I don't know what to do Let's take a look at the details.

    2020-11-10 The latest rape early senescence control measures in planting
  • Beware of premature senescence of eggplant fruit vegetables in summer

    Beware of premature senescence of eggplant fruit vegetables in summer

    Beware of premature senescence of eggplant fruit vegetables in summer

  • Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging

    Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging

    Management requirements of flowering and Grain stage of High-yield Maize against early senescence and lodging
